Upcoming Adventures
Explore our upcoming multi-course, fully immersive dinners and pop-up events, hosted right here in Vermont! We hope you find your next adventure below 😘.
FRI, DEC 20: WINTER SOLSTICE YULE ADVENTURE DINNER, Adventure Dinner Clubhouse, edge of Winooski + Colchester SOLD OUT
SAT, DEC 21 + SUN DEC 22: FOURTH ANNUAL PROCRASTINATOR’S PARADISE HOLIDAY MARKET, Adventure Dinner Clubhouse, edge of Winooski + Colchester — FREE ENTRY + open to the public
FRI, JAN 17: COZY + CANDLELIT: FONDUE NIGHT, at Adventure Dinner Clubhouse, edge of Winooski + Colchester
FRI, JAN 24: COZY + CANDLELIT: RAMEN NIGHT, at Adventure Dinner Clubhouse, edge of Winooski + Colchester
FRI, JAN 31: COZY + CANDLELIT: ITALIAN NIGHT, at Adventure Dinner Clubhouse, edge of Winooski + Colchester
FRI, FEB 7: COZY + CANDLELIT: FONDUE NIGHT, at Adventure Dinner Clubhouse, edge of Winooski + Colchester
SAT, FEB 22: LOVE TREK, Blueberry Hill Inn, Goshen
SAT, MAR 8: LOVE TREK, Blueberry Hill Inn, Goshen
FRI, MAR 14: COZY + CANDLELIT: PI(E) NIGHT, at Adventure Dinner Clubhouse, edge of Winooski + Colchester